pointdata[386] = {"type":null,"hours":[],"item":{"id":"386","branch_id":999,"type":"temporary","titleSize":"normal","textAuthor":"","file":"images\/upload\/wystawy\/czasowe\/2022\/kunsthalle\/kunsthalle.jpg","icon_eye":"0","icon_ear":"0","icon_wheelchair":"0","icon_baby":"0","icon_coffee":"0","icon_wifi":"0","icon_nophoto":"0","date_from":"2022-03-25","date_to":"2022-08-07","stat":true,"ord":"397","ticketType":"","ticketLink":"","visitingTime":"","onlyOnList":"0","template_type":"enhanced","file_foto":"images\/upload\/wystawy\/czasowe\/2022\/kunsthalle\/kunsthalle.jpg","show_date":"0","archived":"1","archive_ord":"454","branch_alter":"1","map_lat":"","map_lng":"","created_at":"2022-02-16 12:00:45","updated_at":"2024-04-12 09:16:26","Translation":{"en":{"id":"386","title":"SILENT REBELS POLISH SYMBOLISM AROUND 1900","place":"","lead":"The Kunsthalle M\u00fcnchen is presenting the largest exhibition to date in Germany about the flourishing of Polish art between 1890 and 1918. It comprises some 130 masterpieces from the National Museums of Warsaw, Krakow and Poznan\u00b4 , as well as from other public and private collections. Polish painting at the dawn of the 20th century transports the beholder to a world of myths and legends, dreamlike landscapes, ancient traditions and customs, to the depths of the human soul.","text":"In a nation without sovereignty \u2013 until its independence in 1918, Poland was partitioned between Russia, Prussia and Austria-Hungary \u2013 a you ng generation of artists began breathing new life into the art of painting. With their works, they created what was lacking in the political arena: a common identity. They drew inspiration from their own Polish history , culture and natural environment, as well as from the art circles of Munich, Paris, St. Petersburg and Vienna.

The turn of the 20th century was the golden age of Polish culture. The \u201cYoung Poland\u201d movement (1890\u20131918), associated with literature, visual arts and music, initially originated in Krakow. Thanks to the more liberal politics of Austria-Hungary , Poland\u2018s former capital city was more conducive to the flourishing of Polish cultural life than the Prussian and Russian occupied areas, where greater restrictions were imposed. Nonetheless, despite all the constraints, Warsaw was the most important centre of art besides Krak\u00f3w . The term \u201cYoung Poland\u201d was coined by writer and literature critic Artur G\u00f3rski.

Divided into ten thematic sections, the exhibition showcases the remarkable versatility and multifaceted finesse of Polish art of this period, which has been largely overlooked \u2013 quite unjustly \u2013 in Germany until now. The show traces its development, contextualising it in the cultural, social and political background of both Poland and Europe.

The exhibition is organized by Kunsthalle M\u00fcnchen in cooperatio n with Adam Mickiewicz Institute, National Museum in Warsaw, National Museum in Krak\u00f3w, National Museum in Poznan\u00b4 .

\u00a0With around 350,000 visitors every year, the Kunsthalle M\u00fcnchen is one of Germany\u2019s most prestigious exhibition houses. Located at the heart of Munich, the Kunsthalle stages three large exhibitions a year on a variety of themes. The Kunsthalle M\u00fcnchen\u2019s diverse programme alternates monographic exhibitions with thematic projects, yet also includes interdisciplinary concepts.","alt":"","tags":"symbolism","ticketInfo":"https:\/\/www.kunsthalle-muc.de\/en\/exhibitions\/preview\/

<\/a>","info":"","file_foto_autor":"Bozna\u0144ska, Olga (1865-1940)","file_foto_meta":"Dziewczynka z chryzantemami","file_foto_more_info":"","file_foto_more_info_link":"","branch_name":"Kunsthalle M\u00fcnchen","branch_shortname":"Kunsthalle M\u00fcnchen","branch_addres":"Theatinerstra\u00dfe 8, 80333 M\u00fcnchen, Niemcy","lang":"en","created_at":"2022-02-16 12:00:45","updated_at":"2022-02-16 12:18:33","slug":"silent-rebels-polish-symbolism-around-1900"},"pl":{"id":"386","title":"SILENT REBELS. POLSKI SYMBOLIZM OKO\u0141O 1900 ROKU","place":"","lead":"Kunsthalle M\u00fcnchen prezentuje najwi\u0119ksz\u0105 jak dot\u0105d w Niemczech wystaw\u0119 po\u015bwi\u0119con\u0105 rozkwitowi sztuki polskiej w latach 1890\u20131918. Obejmuje ona oko\u0142o 130 dzie\u0142 sztuki pochodz\u0105cych z Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie, Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie i Muzeum Narodowego w Poznaniu oraz z innych zbior\u00f3w publicznych i prywatnych. Malarstwo polskie u progu XX wieku przenosi widza w \u015bwiat mit\u00f3w i legend, sennych pejza\u017cy, dawnych tradycji i obyczaj\u00f3w, w g\u0142\u0105b ludzkiej duszy.","text":"W narodzie pozbawionym suwerenno\u015bci \u2013 do odzyskania niepodleg\u0142o\u015bci w 1918 roku Polska znajdowa\u0142a si\u0119 pod zaborami Rosji, Prus i Austro-W\u0119gier \u2013 nowe \u017cycie w sztuk\u0119 malarsk\u0105 tchn\u0119\u0142o pokolenie artyst\u00f3w. Swoj\u0105 tw\u00f3rczo\u015bci\u0105 zapewnili to, czego brakowa\u0142o na arenie politycznej: wsp\u00f3ln\u0105 to\u017csamo\u015b\u0107. Inspiracj\u0119 czerpali z w\u0142asnej, polskiej historii, kultury i \u015brodowiska naturalnego, a tak\u017ce z kr\u0119g\u00f3w artystycznych Monachium, Pary\u017ca, Petersburga i Wiednia.

Prze\u0142om XIX i XX wieku by\u0142 z\u0142otym okresem polskiej kultury. Ruch M\u0142odej Polski (1890\u20131918), zwi\u0105zany z literatur\u0105, sztukami plastycznymi i muzyk\u0105, powsta\u0142 pocz\u0105tkowo w Krakowie. Dzi\u0119ki liberalnej polityce Austro-W\u0119gier dawna stolica Polski bardziej sprzyja\u0142a rozkwitowi polskiego \u017cycia kulturalnego ni\u017c tereny okupowane przez Prusy i Rosj\u0119, gdzie obowi\u0105zywa\u0142y wi\u0119ksze ograniczenia. Mimo to Warszawa by\u0142a najwa\u017cniejszym obok Krakowa o\u015brodkiem sztuki.
Termin \u201eM\u0142oda Polska\u201d zosta\u0142 ukuty przez pisarza i krytyka literackiego Artura G\u00f3rskiego.

Podzielona na dziesi\u0119\u0107 dzia\u0142\u00f3w tematycznych ekspozycja ukazuje niezwyk\u0142\u0105 wszechstronno\u015b\u0107 i wielostronn\u0105 finezj\u0119 polskiej sztuki tego okresu, kt\u00f3ra do tej pory by\u0142a zupe\u0142nie nies\u0142usznie pomijana w Niemczech. Pokaz \u015bledzi jej rozw\u00f3j, umieszczaj\u0105c j\u0105 w kontek\u015bcie t\u0142a kulturowego, spo\u0142ecznego i politycznego zar\u00f3wno Polski, jak i Europy.

Wystawa organizowana jest przez Kunsthalle M\u00fcnchen we wsp\u00f3\u0142pracy z Instytutem Adama Mickiewicza, Muzeum Narodowym w Warszawie, Muzeum Narodowym w Krakowie i Muzeum Narodowym w Poznaniu.

W\u015br\u00f3d eksponat\u00f3w ze zbior\u00f3w Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie znajd\u0105 si\u0119 m.in. \u201eDziewczynka z chryzantemami\u201d Olgi Bozna\u0144skiej, \u201eKrajobraz zimowy\u201d Juliana Fa\u0142ata, \u201eMoje modele\u201d i \u201eDerwid\u201d Jacka Malczewskiego, \u201eMaki\u201d Wojciecha Weissa czy \u201eSta\u0144czyk\u201d Leona Wycz\u00f3\u0142kowskiego.

Kunsthalle M\u00fcnchen jest jednym z najbardziej presti\u017cowych obiekt\u00f3w wystawienniczych w Niemczech, kt\u00f3ry co roku odwiedza oko\u0142o 350 tys. go\u015bci. R\u00f3\u017cnorodny program tej instytucji przeplata wystawy monograficzne z projektami tematycznymi, ale zawiera r\u00f3wnie\u017c koncepcje interdyscyplinarne.","alt":"Obraz przedstawia dziewczynk\u0119 w d\u0142ugiej, ciemnej sukience z bufiastymi r\u0119kawami. Dziewczynka ma rude, kr\u0119cone w\u0142osy do ramion i ciemne, szeroko otwarte oczy. W r\u0119kach trzyma bukiet bia\u0142ych chryzantem. ","tags":"symbolizm","ticketInfo":"

<\/a>","info":"","file_foto_autor":"Bozna\u0144ska, Olga (1865-1940)","file_foto_meta":"Dziewczynka z chryzantemami","file_foto_more_info":"","file_foto_more_info_link":"","branch_name":"Kunsthalle M\u00fcnchen","branch_shortname":"Kunsthalle M\u00fcnchen","branch_addres":"Theatinerstra\u00dfe 8, 80333 M\u00fcnchen, Niemcy","lang":"pl","created_at":"2022-02-16 12:00:45","updated_at":"2022-06-28 19:30:26","slug":"silent-rebels-polski-symbolizm-okolo-1900-roku"}},"Branch":{"id":0,"classname":"branch_alter","map_lng":"","map_lat":"","Translation":{"pl":{"acronym":"Kunsthalle M\u00fcnchen","title":"Kunsthalle M\u00fcnchen","titleShort":"Kunsthalle M\u00fcnchen","address":"Theatinerstra\u00dfe 8, 80333 M\u00fcnchen, Niemcy","lang":"pl"},"en":{"acronym":"Kunsthalle M\u00fcnchen","title":"Kunsthalle M\u00fcnchen","titleShort":"Kunsthalle M\u00fcnchen","address":"Theatinerstra\u00dfe 8, 80333 M\u00fcnchen, Niemcy","lang":"en"}}}},"tags":[],"cycleName":null}